Retirement plan participants

Welcome to the Georgetown University Retirement Plan!

Discover your retirement plan
View important information about your retirement plan, learn how to make changes to your plan account, and get access to helpful resources. 
Stock photo of a woman working at home.

When can I join the plan?

Today—or anytime you want. 

Access your account

Once you’re enrolled in the plan, you can log in anytime to manage your money, change your investments, explore advice options, and more at

Signing up for secure online access to your account only takes a few minutes. You can use your plan number to get started: 090595.

Why save for retirement?

The sooner you join your plan and start making contributions, the more money you’ll have when you retire. It’s that simple. 

When it comes to building your future, your retirement plan is a good thing. When you sign up:

  • Money is automatically deducted from your paycheck.
  • You may be eligible for matching contributions from your employer, if they’re available in the plan.
  • Pre-tax money you save doesn’t count as taxable income until you take it out, ideally in retirement. So you’ll owe less in taxes as you save.*

*You may need to pay income tax on the money you take from your retirement account. If you’re under age 59½, you may also have to pay a 10% federal penalty tax.

Learn about your plan

Your Georgetown University Retirement Plan has specific rules that govern your account. Please refer to the Summary Plan Description that you received in your orientation packet to learn about your plan’s features. Access your Summary Plan Description.

Investment options

When you join your employer’s retirement plan, you get to choose how to invest your money. You can choose a mix of investments on your own—or you can choose a single target-date investment.

A target-date investment offers the simplicity of a complete portfolio composed of a mix of stocks and bonds. It also handles most regular maintenance for you. If the investment’s mix is thrown off by the market, it will automatically adjust to keep you on course.

Benefits of target-date investments


Target-date investments are subject to the risks of their underlying funds. The year in the investment name refers to the approximate year (the target date) when an investor would retire and leave the workforce. The investment will gradually shift its emphasis from more aggressive investments to more conservative ones based on its target date. A target-date investment is not guaranteed at any time, including on or after the target date.


If you want to choose funds on your own, just follow these steps:

  1. Complete a short questionnaire to get your preferred investment mix.
  2. Review the investments offered in your plan at
  3. Choose investments that match your preferred mix.

Roll over money to Vanguard

In most cases, you can roll over money to this plan from a former employer’s plan or an IRA. With your savings all in one place, it's easier to manage them. Call Vanguard to get started.

Can I get help with all of this?

No matter what your retirement investing needs are, we can help. Just join your plan to get started. 


For short and engaging lessons that can help with retirement planning and your other financial goals, check out the articles on the Vanguard Education site.

Tools you can use

Get financially fit

Contact us

Call Vanguard Participant Services Monday through Friday at 800-523-1188 from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern time.

Whenever you invest, there's a chance you could lose the money.

Before you invest, get the details. Consider the fund’s objective, risks, charges, and expenses. The fund’s prospectus (or summary prospectus, if available) will tell you these important facts and more. So read it carefully. Call Vanguard at 800-523-1188 to get one. Or you can find one at