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Year-round tax-planning and tax-saving strategies
Paying less in income taxes can put more money in your pocket. This article offers strategies that may help you reduce your taxable income.

How much cash should you hold? That depends
Since our inception, Vanguard’s prioritized long-term success for its investors through disciplined and low-cost investing. There are four principles that define how investors can achieve that success:
How do I handle my college debt?
It might feel like you're facing a tidal wave of student loans. But know that you're not alone. We can help you find the debt payment strategy that's right for you.
Financial planning
Learn the basics like joining your employer retirement plan, setting savings goals, managing your debt, and making a budget.
Saving for retirement
When you’re saving for retirement, there’s a lot to think about: choosing investments, Roth contributions, taxes, and more. Learn how to take your retirement savings to the next level.
Living in retirement
Find out how to turn your savings into income, the important dates to add to your retirement calendar, how to get the most from Social Security, and the secrets for a happy retirement.