How do I get started?
Tell us about yourself
Before you speak with an advisor, we’d like to learn more about your financial situation and what you’d like to talk about. Here’s what you’ll need to do:
How to set yourself up for a successful conversation
Depending on what you want to talk to the advisor about, you’ll need to have some info handy. Common examples may include:
Financial accounts and balances
- Savings or bank accounts.
- Investment accounts from other companies.
Annual expenses
- Mortgage or rental payments.
- Other debts, like student or personal loans or credit card debt.
Household income
- Income from your job (and your spouse or partner’s job, if applicable).
- Income from rental properties or side businesses.
- Expected Social Security income.
Info on planned future expenses
- Home renovations.
- Real estate purchases.
- Vehicle purchases.
- Wedding or education expenses.
- Future vacations.
Got questions about your money?
Just tell us a little about your goals and what you want to talk about. Then, make an appointment to speak with an advisor.
Whenever you invest, there's a chance you could lose the money.
Vanguard Situational Advisor is provided by Vanguard Advisers, Inc. (VAI), a registered investment advisor. Eligibility restrictions may apply.