How do I get started?

How to set yourself up for a successful conversation

Depending on what you want to talk to the advisor about, you’ll need to have some info handy. Common examples may include:

Financial accounts and balances

  • Savings or bank accounts.
  • Investment accounts from other companies.


Annual expenses

  • Mortgage or rental payments.
  • Other debts, like student or personal loans or credit card debt.



Household income

  • Income from your job (and your spouse or partner’s job, if applicable).
  • Income from rental properties or side businesses.
  • Expected Social Security income.

Info on planned future expenses

  • Home renovations.
  • Real estate purchases.
  • Vehicle purchases.
  • Wedding or education expenses.
  • Future vacations.

Got questions about your money?

Just tell us a little about your goals and what you want to talk about. Then, make an appointment to speak with an advisor.
Whenever you invest, there's a chance you could lose the money.
Vanguard Situational Advisor is provided by Vanguard Advisers, Inc. (VAI), a registered investment advisor. Eligibility restrictions may apply.